This week, we looked at the framerwork developed by Shin and Garrison in 2002. In the framework, four educational prescenses (we will talk about them later on) come together to form a meaningful educational experince. In this post, the questions of what they are and how a teacher can utilize them in online education, be it synchronized or not, will be adressed.
The simplest of these presences is the social presence. The teacher must provide a way for the students to feel a sense of togetherness with their peers and let them know they are regarded as a real person. In traditional education, as the students are physically together in a classroom, the togetherness feeling is easy to provide, but in online education this is a far more complex task to tackle. A teacher in an online education environment has to find creative ways to stimulate togetherness. A good way for this is the aforementioned quality of letting the students know that each and every one of the students are regarded as a real person. For example, by creating an environment where each student is free to express themselves, a teacher can not only provide the sense of being a real person but also a way for the students to feel together.
When the social presence is produced, the next step is transactional presence. Transactional presence is similar to the social presence in that the teacher needs to provide the students with the feeling of togetherness, but unlike social presence, in transactional presence there needs to be, as the name suggest, a transaction of information between the students. To achieve this presence, the teacher might ask the students to produce a material, then ask them to share the material with their classmates. The most concrete example of this are presentations.
After transcational presence, the students' cognitive presence needs the be activated. This can be achieved by information transactions between students. What makes cognitive presence different from transactional presence is that while transactional presence is usually a one way road, cognitive presence involves multiple students, each communicating with each other. An example to cognitive presence is group works, in which each student contributes to the work at hand.
The last part of the chain is the teaching presence. This presence is the glue that bounds all presences together, as it deals with the desing of the educational experience. Without a proper teaching presence, all the other presences simply cannot exist. In a way, we can say that the teaching presence is the foundational presence upon which all the presences build.
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