4 Mayıs 2021 Salı

How to use Pear Deck to create interactive slides

 In this post, I will be guiding you through a Pear Deck lesson. After creating a Pear Deck account, we are greeted with our home page which looks like this:

We use the "Create a Lesson" function and create our first slide. After doing so, we use the Pear Deck library to test some of the features this tool provides us:

To test these features I would need students, but currently, I don't have any students. Nonetheless, I have shared the slide with everyone and if you want to, through this link you can join this slide and answer the questions I have put up during the recording of my video.

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My Udemy Certificate

 Since the couse I enrolled on previously closed, I joined a new one on Udemy and got this cerificate: